Hallowe’en Tricks & Treats

Our community’s annual sugar and spice fest returns on 31st October.  Brave local hosts open their homes to various small creatures prowling the neighbourhood with their parents between 5pm and 6.30pm this year.  Games, ghouls, ghosts and glucose are the order of the night.

If you would like to be considered as a new host this year, please get in touch with Amanda (ARigby@CoventGarden.org.uk).  Dressing up is not compulsory, but it’s a good excuse to wake your inner wizard!

If you are the parent of one or more afore-mentioned small creatures who are keen to join in, and you are not already on Ana Maria’s or Michelle’s lists, please contact Michelle (MZini@CoventGarden.org.uk).

‘Save Museum Street’

Campaign against demolition & monstrous development.

Campaign for refurbishment and sensitive redevelopment.

Autumn 2023 update: despite over 500 objections, including from Historic England and dozens of experts, Camden officers are recommending approval of this monstrous scheme.

Councillors will decide at the Planning meeting on Thursday 16th November 2023.   Please join us at the Town Hall to show that local people care about this, and that the democratic decision would be to refuse it.

Summer 2023 update: a slight revision of the design has been made, and applied for under Camden planning application ref. 2023/2510/P.

It is 6 metres lower but much bulkier than the previous scheme.  It’s certainly no better, and arguably less sympathetic to its surroundings.


We couldn’t really do better than this simple, and oh so chillingly relevant, poster from our 1970’s campaigns.

A new office block proposed to replace Selkirk House would be over 80 metres tall – 70% as high as Centrepoint, and many times more bulky.  Standing a short distance from the British Museum it would tower over our narrow streets and be seen from the capital’s most precious conservation areas in places like Bloomsbury Square, Seven Dials and Lincoln’s Inn Fields.

Covent Garden Community Association, Bloomsbury Association and many auspicious organisations have joined with local residents and businesses to urge the developers to think again.  Take a look at our campaign brochure and get involved.

The developers’ impressions of the main building from various angles.

Our friends at Save Bloomsbury summarised the situation brilliantly with their initial article and an update.

The Guardian published an article on 24th July which cites this destructive scheme at its conclusion, in the context of history’s continual struggle between people who know and love the place where they feel they belong versus those who come in wanting to change it forever.

There is so much that we believe is wrong with the proposed scheme, not just to demolish Selkirk House but to develop an entire block of buildings between High Holborn and New Oxford Street – sheer lack of sympathy with its surroundings, overshadowing, under-provision of housing, no public space, 4 years of works & congestion, the environmental abuse of demolition instead of refurbishment, an ugly blot on views from many beautiful parks and squares,  a new cut-through that is likely to attract crime, the busy ongoing servicing needs of a big mixed-use site at all hours, and paving the way for a cluster of high buildings in this historic area.

Selkirk House, which was built as Trusthouse Forte’s HQ in 1968 and later became a Travelodge, is already out-of-place.  But with some TLC and a new finish it would be so much better than this collossus.

Please click here for information on how you can help us fund our defence against the scheme.  And the developers, Labtech, have put up a website to publicise the proposals.

An extensive objection has been submitted by a coalition of groups including CGCA, which outlines the many problems with the scheme.  CGCA has also submitted an individual objection.

Comments can be addressed to Planning@Camden.gov.uk quoting application ref. 2021/2954/P.


Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 24th October 2023 at 6.30pm in the Hall of Crown Court Church (entrance on Crown Court, at the side of the Fortune Theatre; postcode WC2B 5EZ).

Light refreshments will be served.

Everyone is welcome, but please join CGCA if you are not already a member, or if you are not acompanying a family member or colleague who is.  You can join easily on our membership page here.

Members should have received notice at least 14 days in advance, by email based on the records that we hold.  However, please contact Membership@CoventGarden.org.uk if you have not received anything, or if you have joined within 14 days of the planned date.

Paperwork for the meeting can be found here on our 2023 AGM page.

Barbecue in Phoenix Garden on Sunday 25th June 2023.

Summer in the city… the best place to be is in the garden.  Not just Covent Garden, but our own gem of a semi-wild oasis, The Phoenix Garden.

On the afternoon of Sunday 25th June there will be a free barbecue in the garden.  With a forecast of 28 degrees, there will also be lots of cold drinks!

If you are a local and would like to join us, please email Admin@ThePhoenixGarden.org to be added to the guest list.


Christmas carol service 2022



Monday 5th December 2022.  6.30pm at St. Paul’s Church, Covent Garden.

The most convivial event in the Covent Garden calendar!

Everyone is welcome, of any faith or none, as we celebrate Christmas and look forward to a New Year.

There will be carols, readings, music, opera, food and drink at this beautiful church in the heart of our neighbourhood.  Come in through the entrance gate on Bedford Street (postcode WC2E 9ED).


Jubilee party on Friday 3rd June 2022.

Please join us at a right royal party to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

This fantastic event will take place in The Actors’ Church garden from 12pm until 6pm.

Free entry comes with free goodies for all, including:

  • A cockney singalong on the old joanna.
  • The London taxi photo booth.
  • Face painting for children AND for adults.
  • A treasure map trail, leading you to uncover hidden gems.
  • Performances, magic, activities and giant games.

… Plus many more surprises for anyone of any age.

Bring your Royal Mint to enjoy the delights of our specially created Platinum Punch and Platinum Pudding, with plenty of other choices to eat and drink.  And try your luck in the raffle.

Arrive early for the amazing opening ceremony at Noon, with dancers from Pineapple and specially composed music.

Organised by volunteers from Covent Garden Community Association, the event has been made possible with generous grants from Capco, Westminster council and Covent Garden Area Trust.


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Email: info@coventgarden.org.uk
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Registered Charity (No. 274468)

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by: Sparkly Media
Website last updated: 18 Oct 2024
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