Membership of CGCA

Membership of The Covent Garden Community Association.

As well as bringing the community together for regular events, we seek to maintain the precious balance of Covent Garden by representing the interests of as many of its 7,000 residents and several hundred businesses as possible.  This is a challenge that we relish, taking into account the needs of families, individuals, local companies and the constraints of the West End.

But it’s not all about finding middle ground on Planning and Licensing.  There are many areas of our work where local residential and business interests are fully aligned, such as local policing and a clean environment.

The wider our membership, among residents and businesses, the better we get to know one another.
And, the more people we have contact with, the greater is our ability to know their respective needs and the more effective is our work.

Membership entitles you to access our services, and to attend our member events and meetings.

Membership subscriptions are a critical source of income to cover our modest running costs.  If you are able to make an additional donation we would be most grateful.  We are a registered charity, so if you are a UK tax payer you can make your subscription or donation through Gift Aid and the government will increase its value by 25%, or if you are a company it is tax-deductible.

Full membership of the CGCA is open to any individual over the age of 16 who lives, works or studies in the area.  Individuals outside the area who wish to support our work are Associate members.  Affiliate membership is for businesses and organsiations.

Individual annual membership: £20.00.

Small Business / Organisation annual membership: £100.00 for up to 10 staff.

Medium-sized Business / Organisation annual membership: £250.00 for 11-25 staff.

Larger Business annual membership: please contact us.

Concessionary membership for Senior Citizens / Permanently disabled: Free for life, if paid membership is not affordable for you.

Concessionary membership for Students / Unemployed: Free annual membership, if paid membership is not affordable for you.

Tenants’ Associations, Residents’ Associations and NFP organisations: please join as a Business / organisation or contact us.

We have many interesting volunteering opportunities for members and non-members, too.  Some are outward facing, dealing with members of the community and various agencies.  Some are more administrative.  All are a great way to meet other local people and to find out what is going on.  And all are much appreciated.  Please let us know what skill you would like to offer to us and to the Covent Garden community!  Please contact us.



Call: 020 ~ 7836 5555
Copyright © cgca 2024
Registered Charity (No. 274468)

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by: Sparkly Media
Website last updated: 18 Oct 2024
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