

The CGCA is a voluntary organisation. Over the years, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people have given their time, knowledge, skill, imagination and enthusiasm freely to support our work. As we receive no regular funding, without this generosity the CGCA would not exist.

Can you spare a little time to help the CGCA continue to ensure that the voices of those who live and work in Covent Garden are heard?

Can you offer to deliver notices to your block or street about issues which will affect you and your neighbours, as well as invitations to events?

Could you help collect prizes or steward for the annual Neighbourhood Festival, enjoy a couple of hours on our stall at the May Fayre or hand out programmes at the Carol Service?

Do you have specialist skill or professional expertise which you could offer to us pro bono – IT and communications know-how, legal expertise, design skills or funding applications experience, for example?  Thre is more about what we are  loooking for on our Governance page.

Would you consider joining our Planning or Licensing sub-committees to help us consider and respond to applications? Or stand for election to the Executive Committee at the next AGM ?

Please get in touch to discuss ways in which you can help. Just an hour or two a month would make a big difference.


Call: 020 ~ 7836 5555
Email: info@coventgarden.org.uk
Copyright © cgca 2024
Registered Charity (No. 274468)

Design and development
by: Sparkly Media
Website last updated: 18 Oct 2024
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